Saturday, August 28, 2010

Getting To Know Me...In Case You Haven't the Foggiest Notion Who I Am....

"You better come on in my  kitchen" line comes to mind from the Keb Mo tune....It's only me Queenie...that's how my cyberbuddies know me...well most of them know me by the name my mama gave me too...but just the's nice to see you...hope you'll stop by often and visit with me ...I've got some extra stools for you to sit on here at my kitchen island....where I spend a lot of my time..unless there's something else I really need to be doing instead. My hubby calls my stool my throne....well all right! A queen should have one don't you think?? Like the song goes...(I) she is the queen of my doublewide trailer..." minus the polyester curtains and the redwood deck! LOL No we have the concrete block foundation so no tornado is going to uproot this baby! ( Thank you Tim Wilson for the inspiration for that last sentence!) I live in the testosterone jungle ...yes that means I am the odd girl out! As the description of me says...I am a conservative Southern gal who cooks, cleans, .........and refuses to wear funny hats and ugly clothes...but I will grow things in the dirt!!  Oh I do a lot more than that ....LOL We'd be here til Rapture if I kept going....As it is the weekend the most common phrase that will be coming out of my mouth will include the words.."Turn it down!" at least 50 times a day! I'm tickled to be here and anxious to see you stop by when you have a moment between loads of wash, diaper changes, or even if you are waiting for you favorite Facebook App to load...multitasking is not only allowed in is virtually the norm! Oh, one more thing....I do possess a copy of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and I thank her for showing me how to make a ham or a pork roast taste so much better than the way I used to make them....however I will not do as Julie Powell did ...and try to cook my way through it...But I loved that movie so much!! Meshing the two stories together like Nora Ephron did was a great idea! I still say Meryl Streep got hosed when she didn't win the Oscar..AGAIN...but I did see Blind Side and Sandra Bullock did do a great job...but Meryl you deserved it...and all those other years you didn't win you deserved it too! All right I know when I am rambling on way too much....I've got my Tae Bo DVDs sitting to my right that means it is time to get to work at something else I love...and for those who've never tried's time you did because it works...inside and out! Loveyameanit...Queenie


  1. Let's see if I can post a comment here. I THINK I have a membership to this.... as if Multiply and Facebook aren't enough!! LOL I think I knew all those things about you, but am looking forward to reading more blogs from Queenie's kitchen!

  2. Thanks Bren! Hugs!!!! Go eat a pickle! LOL

  3. Hey, guess my previous post didn't work. So, here goes again. This really really looks good.

  4. Finally here to start reading, love it! Carolyn
