A late afternoon on the 9th anniversary of the day that our world changed forever.. I read the lovely sentiment that our former president left this morning and there were thousands of other folks who also read it and left wonderful, glowing sentiments to his sweet words. It was heartwarming to read all the well-wishes and echos of how much people in this country thanked him for being our President during that horrible time. I have to say...and whether you agree with me or not...I am so sorry he is not in office anymore....things are going to hell in a henbasket with the current bunch of narcisstic clowns that are running the big circus up there in DC and it really angers me to see these bozos stomping all over our Constitution. Please excuse the outburst on this solemn day of rememberance...it just sticks in my craw something fierce. I hope that someday....and perhaps I'll put it on my "list" I will get to meet him face-to-face and express my thanks to him ...I just hope I could do it without blubbering and making a genuine fool of myself. It's easy to say thanks in a letter...but face to face to a solider or to this man who helped us through our darkest hour in 60 years...a patriot in his own right to me....is the best way to express something as heartfelt as that. He made us feel safe...despite our uneasiness....and we moved on from that dark day...united as a nation....but are we now....I mean look at the mess we are in....the day was somewhat marred by all the threats to burn a book and then the very idea that someone would think it was appropriate to build a mosque just a few blocks from Ground Zero...makes me feel like they are attacking us all over again. Some fellow wrote a hateful posting on Facebook this afternoon...saying "Celebrate 9/11 and death to Christians and Jews" ....it was vile and disgusting....trying to get a rise out of people on this somber day....and he did. It was under the Never Forget 9/11 status posting ....and folks responded with ugliness of their own against this man. Of course I didn't like what he said at all....but I will not be lured into a verbal exhcange with someone merely out to get attention ....I am an adult and know better. He will be judged for his statements one of these days ....that was the first thought that came to my head as I read those awful things he wrote. It was as if God spoke them in my ear to reassure me.
I paparphrased a statement that our former President used in his remarks after 9/11....when I sent an email to one of our congressional representatives from Ga....who stated that though he didn't vote for ObamaCare he would not join the fight to repeal it....In my email back to him I told him if you are not for us you are against us....I didn't get a reply back....I guess the part I also included about packing up his office because if the voters have anything to say about this he won't have that seat after the November elections...didn't go over very well! LOL But I was serious....and I hope he does lose his seat...because if he does he will know why. We are tired and weary of the same old you know what on all the different days and on November 2nd....the voters of this country are going to put the hammer down and send some career politicians packing! Do your part and help us clean out the Capitol and in just two years....oh lord it can't get here fast enough...OUR HOUSE...the White House!! No more blinders .....the gloves are off and we will overcome this mess that we are in .....God Bless America! Loveyameanit...Queenie
Amen Sister. I'm all for getting them out of there. One cannot put them back in there expecting them to do different. It is my hope that people in Arizona will wake up and NOT put John McCain back in. Luv U.
ReplyDeleteYou go, girl!! I feel the same exact way. This country has gotten another eye opener - its called the Obama Administration. Look at the Tea Party movement, and the amount of people going to ralleys all over this country. I pray we never lose our determination in taking back this great country of ours and what she stands for!!